Think for a second of all the places that have experienced genocide in the last fifteen years since the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of American influence in the world. Rwanda, Kosovo, and Sudan come to mind, but there’s a whole group of countries and slaughters that never make the news. How can we stop the wholesale killing of entire cultures, races and political factions by those with more political and military power? And, how do we own up to our own history of genocide?
That’s the topic of today’s installment of WNRN’s Sunday Morning Wakeup Call. This week, Rick Moore speaks with recent Albemarle High School graduate Casey Shupe, and Pete Ronayne, an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia. Pete is the author of Never Again?: The United States and the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide since the Holocaust. Casey offers the perspective of a young person about to enter college to study political thought. As always, Rick begins the show with a monologue wrapping up the week’s events.
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