On the August 23rd edition of the show, Coy’s guest is John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute. One of the topics of conversation is the recent controversey involving police questioning of minors, something that’s come up in connection with the so-called Albemarle School bombing conspiracy. One of the students did not have a lawyer or a parent present during one of his initial interviews with police. Coy also asks about a recent commentary Whitehead wrote on “What Would Jesus Bomb?”
CharlottesvilleGuv,!vDjnjRight Now is broadcast live Monday through Friday on NewsRadio 1070 WINA from 4 to 6pm. Best-selling author and historian Coy Barefoot is the host and producer. To participate in the program, you can call 434-977-1070. Coy can be reached at barefoot@wina.com.
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