Joe Oddo is the Green party candidate for Virginia’s Fifth District, and Gail Parker is the Green party candidate for Senate. They joined Coy Barefoot on the October 27th edition of WINA’s Charlottesville–Right Now to discuss what they’d do if they were elected. Parker addresses the news last week that she might consider endorsing either Jim Webb or George Allen in exchange for promises that the victor get behind her idea to increase federal funding for high speed passenger rail service. Oddo and Parker also support the ending of no-bid contracts for preferred government contractors.
CharlottesvilleGuv,!vDjnjRight Now is broadcast live Monday through Friday on NewsRadio 1070 WINA from 4 to 6pm. Best-selling author and historian Coy Barefoot is the host and producer. To participate in the program, you can call 434-977-1070. Coy can be reached at
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