Charlottesville–Right Now: Author and Television Host Larry Winget on his New Book – “It’s Called Work for a Reason!”

Best selling author Larry Winget, well known for his blunt and candid speaking style, is a public speaker that talks to corporations around the world about his approach to business. He joins Coy Barefoot on this January 12th edition of Charlottesville–Right Now to talk about his new book. “It’s Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault” is a discussion of the workplace – specifically, the relationship between employers and employees. He speaks about responsibilities that both of these parties share, their priorities, as well as his show on A&E – “Big Spender“.

It really is always your own fault – you are responsible for the resutls that you experience…If your employees are horrible, it’s because you’re a horrible manager.
-Larry Winget

It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault
