Local cartographer and historian Rick Britton joins Coy Barefoot every Friday on WINA’s “Charlottesville–Right Now!” to talk about Charlottesville and Albemarle County history. This week on the show:
- Rick previews a new class he’s teaching at the Senior Center this fall on Thursdays on the early history of Albemarle County and Charlottesville, from the 1720’s to the 1850’s. Call 974-6538 for more information
- This week’s quiz features questions about area rivers, Indian alliances, the destination of the Three Notched Road, James Monroe’s military history, James Madison’s career, and who was Charlotteville’s namesake married to?
- Rick previews an upcoming story he’s writing about who really won the Revolutionary War – the Federalists or the Jeffersonian Republicans? Apparently, partisanship in America can be traced back to that question being asked shortly after the surrender at Yorktown.