Charlottesville-Right Now: Brian Wheeler

Brian Wheeler, Executive Director of Charlottesville Tomorrow joined Charlottesville Right Now to discuss growth and development issues. This week on the show:

  • Coy relates his holiday trip to the Virginia Safari Park in Natural Bridge.
  • After a discussion of where to eat Williamsburg, a caller suggests that Charlottesville Tomorrow conduct a search of the best hole-in-the-walls to eat in Charlottesville.
  • Brian updates listners on cvillepedia, Charlottesville Tomorrow’s new online encyclopedia about local government and the community.
  • The Albemarle County Republican Party has nominated Duane Snow to serve as their candidate for the Samuel Miller District on the Board of Supervisors. Rodney Thomas was unopposed in his bid to serve as the GOP’s candidate for the Rio District.
  • Charlottesville and Albemarle County officials decide to continue pursuing a Regional Transit Authority even though they did not receive permission from the General Assembly to ask voters if they would fund an expanded system through a local sales tax. (Charlottesville Tomorrow)
  • On the water supply plan, the RWSA has issued an RFP for a full suite of studies to determine a new estimate for how much dredging the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir will cost. The City has agreed to pay for studies that the ACSA does not want to pay for.

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