April Ristau of Armillary Coaching

April Ristau

Do you want to improve your sales and service results? Do you have a vision you can’t seem to focus on? Are there goals you aren’t reaching?

Professional coaching may be what you need to achieve success.

Armillary Coaching will help you name your goals, understand why you want to reach them, and identify the skills you will need. You’ll walk away with a renewed sense of confidence and capability, ready to take strides toward the future you envision.

Our business is helping companies and individuals to reach and exceed their goals, especially in sales and service. I have personally turned low performers into top performers. I’ve also helped top performers get to their next level – the next level of sales, the next level of their career, or a personal goal.

  • Practical experience. During my career with a major U.S. corporation, I coached all levels of management and non-management. As an area sales manager, I also coached my team to meet their sales and service goals – being recognized for achieving results. I can do the same for you.
  • Creativity. When you have to break through a barrier in order to reach a goal, you can rely on my creative ability to help you find a way.
  • Intuition. My job is not just to understand what makes you tick, but to help you understand yourself better. I’ll challenge you to push beyond quick answers and superficial objectives to imagine what you really want.
  • Training. I’m a graduate of Newfield Network Coach Training, one of the premier ontological coaching and transformational companies in the world. In addition, I have had extensive training over the years through companies such as Cohen-Brown, Richardson, and DDI.
