Eryn Brennan and Margaret Maliszewski (Charlottesville), Jean Cooper (A Guide to Historic Charlottesville and Albemarle County) (presented by Margaret O’Bryant), and Dr. M.C. Wilhelm and Henry K. Sharp (A History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia, 1901-2011) share stories from Charlottesville’s varied history.
In this podcast you will learn about a Charlottesville neighborhood named “Canada” where freed black slaves once lived, how a $100,000 donation made to UVa by Peter McIntyre was used and about the 1956 filming of the movie Giant with Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor.
The event was hosted in conjunction with Celebrate!250.
Following the presentation questions were taken from the audience. The program was moderated by former Charlottesville Mayor Nancy O’Brien.
The Panel:
Eryn Brennan, co-author of Charlottesville, holds a masters degree in Architectural History and in Urban and Environmental Planning from the University of Virginia. She has been an active preservationist and architectural historian for more than 10 years.
Margaret Maliszewski, author of Charlottesville and a historic preservation planner for more than 20 years, holds a masters degree in architectural history and a certificate in historic preservation from UVA. She is the author of Architecture and Ornament: An Illustrated Dictionary.
Nancy O’Brien has been a consultant and facilitator, was the first woman mayor of Charlottesville, and the first Director of the Thomas Jefferson District Planning Commission.
Margaret M. O’Bryant is librarian for the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society. She is a native of Franklin County, Virginia. Her Virginia background and experiences enrich and develop her current work with Virginia and area history and settlement.
Henry K. Sharp, is the author of A History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia, 1901-2011.
Morton C. Wilhelm, M.D. Joseph Farrow Professor of Surgical Oncology, and Henry K. Sharp, Phd, wrote A History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia 1901-2011, based on interviews of UVA’s physicians, nurses, and technicians.
The event was one of a series held during the Virginia Festival of the Book. The series was sponsered by The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.
Audio for this event was provided courtesy Charlottesville TV10.