Virginia Film Festival 2016: Best and Most Beautiful Things

Jeff Consiglio at the Virginia Film Festival on November 5th, 2016

Sean McCord talks with producer/editor Jeff Consiglio about his film Best and Most Beautiful Things.

From the Virginia Film Festival: “Michelle Smith, a precocious twenty-year-old woman, lives with her mother Julie in rural Maine. Michelle is quirky and charming, with big dreams and varied passions. She is also legally blind and diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Searching for connection, Michelle explores love and empowerment outside the limits of “normal” through a provocative sex-positive community. The documentary tells her story of self-discovery as she navigates new relationships and attempts to go out into the world on her own”

Best and Most Beautiful Things will be shown at 5:00 PM, Sunday November 6, 2016 at the Downtown Mall: Violet Crown A.

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One Reply to “Virginia Film Festival 2016: Best and Most Beautiful Things”

  1. We say “Best and Most Beautiful Thins,” at the Mill Valley Festival. We wish Jeff Consiglio was there as well. We loved the film. Thank you for a fine interview, from an outstanding film maker, who makes some of the most humane films I’ve seen.

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