Brian Wimer
Charlottesville filmmaker Brian Wimer teamed with journalist Jackson Landers for Charlottesville: Our Streets, their documentary look at the events of August 12. Filled with original footage of the attack on Charlottesville, Wimer also talks with counterprotestors, clergy, antics, alt-righters, and the militia who converged on our town.
The 2017 Virginia Film Festival runs from November 9th through November 12th.
Great interview, can’t wait to see the film.
The film as a work in progress, and after only three months of work, is an amazing piece which holds great promise of interpreting this cataclysmic event…I particularly thought the “Burnish” style of interviewing individuals and then tying their stories together at the end was brilliant. I also thought the documentary was balanced and informative to someone who was looking from the outside trying to understand…That is what I could hear…I must say how astonished I was during the screening at the incredibly rude intervention by people sitting next to me at the Paramount who were effusive, unrestrained, incredibly crude in their language and clearly reflected the violent nature of the counter protesters who present that awful day. I am very involved in the struggle for bringing all cultures together in this nation, and very frankly, we do not need this type of counter anger to achieve the goal.