Today on Home Grown, Leslie soldiers on alone as David is called in by his day job. Still, the show goes on. First we spend some time with Four County Players. Specifically, we have Perry Medlin and Austin Robey, the director and music director of the upcoming 4CP musical Young Frankenstein. Leslie, Perry, and Austin get into the challenges of doing a HUGE summer musical with a lot of enthusiasm and volunteer actors. Next, filmmaker Ty Cooper (trapped in Chicago by airline problems) calls in. Ty updates us on his documentary America’s Darkest Future and then talks about his new, fictional short film, Mingle. Ty — the consumate artistic mover-shaker — even gives us pointers on submitting films to festivals.(Are we allowed to contact the VA Film Festival and ask them to screen Mingle?) (Also, check out the undercurrent in both interviews of how modern technology and social media facilitates the creation of art.) Big theater and small films this week on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.