Today on Home Grown, David is still held hostage by his day job, which is appropriate because the reality of day jobs putting a limit on artistic activities is just one of the topics Leslie and Clinton cover with local visual artist, Nym Pedersen. His show Synonyms, Antonyms is currently running at Chroma Projects: an Art Laboratory (and will be running until the end of this coming week). We talk about his show and its collection of fluid, minimalist figure drawings and collages. We talk about Nym’s process and his time on the Downtown Mall running Art Snacks. And, of course, we enjoy the observations that come from a mature, long-time, experienced artist. It’s about the work, how you have to work to get the work, how you have to market the work, and how you look at the checkbook and figure out how it’s all going to work this week on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.