Today on Home Grown, Leslie’s a little early, David’s a little late, but the art is right on time with two new guests. First, we talk to ecoartist and poet Amelia L. Williams. She has spent the last few years thinking about how she can use art to counter the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. We talk to her about her latest project, The Ties that Bind, a piece that experiements with community sourced art. Next, Brandon LeeBangah blesses the house for the first time. His first album A Long Way from Home is out now. We talk to Brandon about how his business efforts work with his artistic pursuits, and we also talk about the responsibilies that can come from being listened to by kids, especially, who don’t have many good messages coming at them. From the people to the artist and then from the artist back to the people on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.