Today on Home Grown, it’s Leslie and David and one set of guests for one whole show. FellowMan and Remy St. Claire return! They were here when they started it. They were here when they brought it back. Now, it’s year three, and it’s still going strong — 2019 Nine Pillars Cultural Hip Hop Fest!!! We talk about what and who’s the same and what and who’s different this year. We also talk about anything else that comes into our heads: community representation; financial support of artists, and the question of “the Charlottesville Sound.” Local art makes the community, shakes the community, sometimes even rakes the community, but it only ever builds and never breaks the community, and you can hear about it here on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.