Today on Home Grown, Leslie gets to lean on both her theater and music sides with two groups of guests. First, A.D. Carson and John Conover talk about Live Arts Theatre’s upcoming production of The Royale, for which they are, respectively, the sound designer and dramaturg. John talks about the subject of The Royale — turn of the century heavyweight prizefighter Jack Johnson and his championship fight with Jim Jeffries — and A.D. talks about the original music that he has designed for the production. Next, Emily Julia Kresky returns to the show with bandmates Niko Cvetanovich and Sean Bracken. Together, they are the core of Dropping Julia. Leslie talks to them about their insane work ethic and schedule, about their upcoming CD, Wake Up, and about what it’s like being a new band. We try to take you behind the scenes of people who are making the scene here on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.