Good morning and welcome to Charlottesville Community Engagement for March 16, 2024. I’m Sean Tubbs, a local journalist who created a company called Town Crier Productions four years ago to increase coverage of municipal governments in the area around Charlottesville. This week on radio version for WTJU, we solely look at public transportation in the community and efforts to increase service while also choosing vehicles that will help Charlottesville meet goals to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
To learn more and to read the script, visit the Substack newsletter and podcast home page.
On the program today:
- The Regional Transit Partnership directs staff to prepare the by-laws for a potential transit authority
- Charlottesville City Council agrees to a pilot project where Charlottesville Area Transit buys two battery-electric vehicles now and agrees to have staff research the potential purchase of two hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in 2027
- The interim CEO of Jaunt responds to comments made by a representative of the transit union
- The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission’s Board of Directors approves continued work to create the transit authority

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