UVA Today Radio | Oct. 21, 2009

Check out the new episode of the UVA Today Radio Show, a weekly five minute segment on WTJU radio. Look for new editions of the show every Wednesday at 11:55 a.m. on WTJU. Afterward, all of the segments will be posted on iTunesU.

Read more about the stories featured in this week’s program:

Arne Duncan Issues ‘Call to Teach’ at U.Va. (Education Secretary Arne Duncan)
U.Va. Astronomer, Chairman of Hubble Oversight Committee, Says New Galactic Images Are ‘Spectacular’ (Robert O’Connell)
U.Va.’s Woodson Institute to Hold Symposium on the NAACP’s 100th Anniversary (Deborah McDowell)

Air Date: 10/21/09

To download mp3, click here.
