The Wendy Edwards Show

Your life can begin again with Charlottesville radio jock and writer Wendy Edwards and her guests. Colleen Keller of PACEM shelters looks forward to a day when no one will have to live on the streets. Artist and bargain shopper Cary Oliva reveals how to get the most out of your limited budget to furnish and design your home. This OTB Podcast</a> production features music by Hunter Smith and the Dead Men.


9 Replies to “The Wendy Edwards Show”

  1. Great show. Good story on PACEM. I sometimes walk around the downtown area with a sign, “You are Amazing”, and I get to speak to some of the homeless that way. I guess it’s a way to do something when I don’t know what to do. good luck.

  2. Tim,

    Thanks very much for listening. I’m glad you liked the show! I love the idea of your sign…and wouldn’t it be nice to have in any situation where you’re not sure what to do? It seems like a total icebreaker to me. Thanks for your encouragement & for being nice to people out there – that matters!


  3. Sometimes the homeless just need a direction to go and one person to believe in them and they can make it. Remeber all it takes is one person to believe.

  4. Yard sales are a great place to get items for home at a low price or for free. Make a list of what you need before you go and set a cost and search til you find it. It may take more than one day to find it. But, be patient, you will! I really found this show very interesting.


  5. Received your broadcast via e-mail, via your mom, Carole. Your subject hits home. The Homeless need all the help and encouragement they can find. And like you said, encouragement lifts those who are downtrodden and depressed. My God, who wouldn’t be? To live a normal life, then have everything yanked out from beneath your feet, it knocks a person’s self-esteem 10 blocks from tomorrow.
    In listening to your presentation, and the innovated manner in which you expressed your message struck me as very professional. I truly suspect you will become a persona on the fast-track upwards.
    Keep up the good work. My prayers are with you.
    Ted F. Johnson
    Rosenberg, Texas

  6. Hi Wen,

    AWESOME!!!!! You have come a long way….can’t believe you have your own show. Best of luck to you.

    Deb Sylvia
    Brockton, Massachusetts

  7. Thanks so much everyone! Deb, I hope to go all the way with this! Thanks for wishing me luck. :) Mom…thanks for being such great support and for telling everyone to listen to my show. You’re great to me. Ted, I’m touched by your comments and I appreciate your prayers. I hope the right people will notice that I’m ready to go big so I can share my finds on a (hopefully) national level. -W

  8. Your mom is truly a good woman who has taught her daughter to be loving, caring, thrifty and in touch with life. You have played it forward in a wonderful way. You have a wonderful gift and it comes through on your interview techniques. If you help even one person, you have done well. Good luck and God bless you on your program.

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