Intuitive Analyst Lee Channing

Lee Channing is back in the studio this week to take calls and answer questions about work, relationships, and other sometimes stressful aspects of life. From how job interviews will go, to how to deal with sickness and ailments, she hands out advice and insight to callers.

Lee specializes in intuitive color awareness: being aware of the color in your environment, and the effect it has on your life – a topic she recently finished a book about. She also runs a weekly internet talk-show, every Friday at noon. To contact Lee or her consulting group, Spirits Evolving, you can visit their website.

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Just a few words about generic Viagra

A few years ago, we all were told that buying a generic Viagra is bad. That it is necessary to buy brand Viagra for 100 bucks. And now, from everywhere, advertising is pouring on us that you should not spend money on a brand, it is better to buy generic Viagra at a cheap price. Generic Viagra is completely identical to the brand. What two-faced creatures are these farm companies.

Tracking: The Educator’s Dilemma

For decades, students in the public education system have been given labels: “General,” “Advanced,” “Honors” – and split into classes with others who supposedly have roughly the same intelligence level. This practice is called Tracking, and there’s currently a big push among educational professionals to get rid of it, and stop segregating students based on their IQ.

Chad Prather, a history teacher at Charlottesville High School, is part of the movement to abolish tracking, and has created a “detracked” class for the 2007-2008 school year. The Charlottesville Podcasting Network’s Michael Strickland spoke with Prather about his class, and how students will be affected by this new style of teaching. Also interviewed were Rick Wellbeloved-Stone, an environmental science teacher at CHS who would prefer the tracking system stay put, and Carol Ann Tomlinson, a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Virginia who is an international advocate for detracking.

Currently a heated and sensitive topic among school administrations, this piece overviews the tracking system as well as the movement towards detracking, and presents the highly varied opinions teachers have on the issue.

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Wake-Up Call: SNL Founder Reid Nagle

This week on the Sunday Morning Wake-Up Call, Rick Moore speaks with Reid Nagle – the Chairman and founder of SNL Financial, a information and research firm for the financial sector, with headquarters based in Charlottesville. SNL turns 20 years old this year, and Nagle discusses how his company went from a start-up business struggling to make a profit, to the global firm that it is today with over 700 employees worldwide. They also talk about some of the unique aspects of SNL Financial, such as the almost-absent dress code, and why the company chose Charlottesville for its home.

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Wake-Up Call: Mothers on Mother’s Day

On this special Mother’s Day edition of WNRN’s Sunday Morning Wake-Up Call, local moms Katie Whittier and Nola Miller join Rick in the studio to talk about all things mom. What are the differences between bringing up boys and girls? Some topics discussed are whether children of different genders should be raised differently, the troubles empty-nest moms experience, and what exactly makes a great mom. Callers go on air to reminisce about their moms, and Rick starts off the show by calling his own mom on the golf course.

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First Night Adds Film to its list of events

First Night Virginia is the second oldest celebration of it’s kind in the country, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Yet among the musical and comedic performances Charlottesville has come to expect, for 2007, First Night added some new events. First Film was a chance for six amateur filmmakers to show their work in a non-competitive atmosphere at the local Vinegar Hill Theatre. CPN’s Michael Strickland spoke with Benjamin Haslup, Brian Wimer, and Bonnie Cunningham – three of the filmmakers that were featured at this year’s festival.

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