Charlottesville–Right Now: Ken Bernstein talks politics with Coy Barefoot

11.11.10 Political science teacher and journalist Ken Bernstein joins Coy to tackle current events in politics, including the recent midterm elections, government spending in areas like prisons and education, Congress’s environmental plans, and the Virginia Democratic Party. Follow Ken on Twitter @teacherken.

Charlottesville–Right Now: Charlottesville Mayor Dave Norris joins Coy to discuss the DEQ’s water supply plan

11.9.10 Charlottesvile Mayor Dave Norris joins Coy to discuss developments in the city’s water supply plan. Mayor Norris talks about his commitment to the water plan and how he believes it can benefit the community. Is the proposed plan right for Charlottesville? How will the public react?

Charlottesville–Right Now: Congressman Tom Perriello talks with Coy about his push for reelection

10.28.10 Congressman Tom Perriello of the 5th District discusses the upcoming election as well as his plan for Virginia with Coy Barefoot. Congressman Perriello talks about his progress with swing voters, and responds to caller questions concerning health care and the direction of the nation.

Charlottesville–Right Now: Quentin Kidd of CNU talks about the current state of politics with Coy

10.28.10 Quentin Kidd of Christopher Newport University is one of the deans of political scientists specializing in southern politics. He talks with Coy about the upcoming election and discusses Tom Periello’s chances. Can the Democrats mobilize young voters once again? Will Republicans rally behind Robert Hurt to take back the 5th District?

Charlottesville–Right Now: Charlottesville City Councilor Kristin Szakos joins Coy to discuss the water debate

10.26.10 Charlottesville City Councilor Kristen Zakos sits down with Coy to discuss the water supply plan as well as local and national politics. How can we be economical with water supply? How will a new plan affect local residents and will water rates change?