Blog Panel This Thursday

I’m speaking on a VPTC panel this upcoming Thursday lunchtime at the Omni. It’s $30 for VPTC members, $40 for non-members. Here’s the blurb:

When the Web exploded on the scene in the 1990s, it changed everything. Suddenly, anyone with a computer and modem could disseminate information to a mass audience. Mainstream media conglomerates were put head-to-head with the little guy.

Now, weblogs, or blogs for short, are having the same effect, but with a new twist. Simply put, blogs are websites, but they can connect to each other. So, someone posts an article on their blog. Other bloggers see it, and link to it on their blogs. Or they comment on it, and link to that. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds provide an easy way for people to subscribe to content they want to keep up with.

Now, there’s a whole lot of people and ideas networked together. There’s a name for this new networkGuv,!vDjkjthe blogosphereGuv,!vDjkjand ideas can travel very, very quickly to a very large audience.

Podcasting is taking audio and video content in new directions, enabling anyone with inexpensive equipment to become a broadcaster. Using RSS, listeners can subscribe to and download content on demand to either a computer or portable device. Users can now access content when it’s convenient for them, rather than having to attempt to catch their favorite shows when they were originally presented.

A recent study by comScore Media Matrix shows these startling statistics:

* 50 million U.S. Internet users visited blog sites in the first quarter of 2005. That is roughly 30% of all U.S. Internet users and 1 in 6 of the total U.S. population.
* Five hosting services for blogs each had more than 5 million unique visitors in that period,and four individual blogs had more than 1 million visitors each.
* Compared to the average Internet user, blog readers are significantly more likely to live in wealthier households, be younger and connect to the Web on high-speed connections.
* Blog readers also visit nearly twice as many web pages as the Internet average, and they are much more likely to shop online.

Blogs are fundamentally changing the way companies are marketing their products and services. Come and learn how your business can benefit by using these new tools.

On November 17, a panel of experts will define and discuss exactly what these new tools are, how they are changing the way companies interact with their customers, and present some fascinating scenarios describing what’s happening in the blogosphere right now.

The panel includes:

Moderator: Jerry MacLean – PERCC Research

Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Podcasting Network
Waldo Jaquith, CVilleBlogs and CVilleNews
Edward Cossette, ExploreLearning
Michael Prichard – Willowtree Interactive

Fry Springs Neighborhood Reacts to 2008 Bridge Closure on JPA Extended

Residents of the Fry’s Spring area of Charlottesville are up in arms about the Virginia Department of Transportation’s plan to temporarily close Jefferson Park Avenue Extended near Fontaine Avenue, beginning in 2008, to repair and widen the bridge that crosses the railway tracks. City officials say the plans have been on the books for several years, but many residents argue they’ve been caught by surprise. And they’re not quite sure why the plans call for the conversion of Todd Avenue from a thru-way to a cul-de-sac.

On October 26, about three dozen people attended a meeting of the Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association to ask questions of Jim Tolbert, Charlottesville’s director of neighborhood services development. The meeting was moderated by Mike Farrugio, former president of the group. CPN is pleased to bring the meeting in its entirety, and will be following up with a feature on this topic in the near future.

Debate: Should Charlottesville switch to an elected school board system?

Should Charlottesville switch to an elected school board? Currently, the City Council appoints the seven members of the school board, but a group of concerned parents has managed to get a city-wide referendum on the ballot to ask citizens if an elected board should be adopted. On Saturday September 17, the Charlottesville Democratic Party held a debate on the subject at the offices of the Jefferson Area Board of Aging. Moderated by Assistant U.S Attorney Timothy Heaphy, the panel consisted of current school board member Muriel Wiggins, City Councilman Kevin Lynch, U-V-A History Professor Jeffrey Rossman, Albemarle County School Board member Steve Koleszar, and U-VA Urban and Environmental Planning Professor William Lucy. The program runs for an hour and a half.

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Hear Virginia House candidates in their own words

Want to know more about the candidates standing for election to the Virginia House of Delegates this November? The Senior Statesmen of Virginia held a public forum at the Senior Center on August 10 in which several incumbents and challengers appeared. Not a debate, this hour and a half long event was a chance for the candidates to tell an assembled crowd at the Senior Center a little about themselves and why they deserve a vote. CPN volunteer Colin Campbell was on hand to record the event, which we present to you below.

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This presentation is an hour and a half long. It will start with an introduction from the Senior Statesmen, and then will feature presentations by the candidates in alphabetical order.

(only campaign websites are listed below)
Delegate Watkins Abbitt, Jr (Independent incumbent running in the 59th District)
Delegate Rob Bell (Republican incumbent in the 58th District)
David Cox (Democratic challenger for the 24th District)
Peter deFur (Democratic challenger for the 56th District)
Steve Koleszar (Democratic challenger for the 58th District)
Delegate Steve Landes (Republican incumbent for the 25th District
Tom McCrystal (Republican challenger for the 57th District)
David Toscano (Democratic challenger for the 57th District)

Other area legislators were invited by the Senior Statesmen, but many could not attend due to prior engagements. After the introductions, the candidates answered questions from moderator Mitch Van Yahres.

Local counselor talks about Carl Jung

this is Len WorleyLen Worley

The world recently celebrated the 130th birthday of Carl Jung, and in Charlottesville, counselor Len Worley gave a talk in his downtown office about the Swiss psychiatrist. Worley has been a transpersonal psychologist for 24 years, and has a special interest in dreams. He also gives annual talks on Jung’s birthday, including this one that examines the four-year crisis after Jung broke with Sigmund Freud, his colleague and contemporary.

This talk from July 22, 2005 was recorded by CPN volunteer James Weissman. Worley produced a handout for those who attended, which is available here

This file is now off-line. If you would like to hear it, please contact us…

Coy Barefoot looks back at The Corner

copy of the book

Have you ever been to a village or town in Virginia that was simply called University? If you’ve ever eaten at a place on the Corner, the answer is yes. Local author and journalist Coy Barefoot interviewed countless people who remember what the five-block stretch of businesses just outside Grounds and produced a book called The Corner: A History of Student Life at the University of Virginia. Barefoot was the featured speaker of the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society’s Last Wednesday Speaker Series on July 27, 2005. The monthly event took place at the Senior Center.

New Citizens Take Oath at Monticello

For the 43rd time yesterday, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation offered up Monticello for a special naturalization ceremony on the anniversary of our nation’s birth. 79 people became citizens on the 229th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, written of course by Mr. Jefferson. This year’s speaker was famed architect I.M. Pei, whose comments are approximately eight minutes into this hour-long ceremony. Special thanks to Travis Messinger for providing us with the audio of this event, and to Chad Wollerton at Monticello.


Recommendations from JABA’s conference on longterm aging in Central Virginia

We present to you now the second podcast from the Jefferson Area Board of Aging’s June 24 conference. The event was designed to provide input from area experts on the elderly into the White House Conference on Aging, scheduled for this December. This posting contains the recommendations from three of the breakout sessions.

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Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass turns 150

This is the inside of the trailer

150 years ago this week, a journalist originally from Long Island published his first manuscript of poems, transforming himself as a writer of news and short fiction into one of America’s most important poets. Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass is being celebrated this summer by the University of Virginia, which has several of the original manuscripts at the Harrison Institute’s Small Special Collections library. Many of these items are on display in the Institute’s first-floor gallery through mid-August.

This past spring, the Virginia Quarterly Review dedicated a special issue to Whitman’s work. VQR is collaborating with special collections on a series of gallery talks, given by editor Ted Genoways, to discuss the library’s holdings. Genoways is working on a dissertation on Whitman, and below is one of his talks, this one from June 28, 2005.

Whitman has famously declared that Leaves of Grass was published on July 4, 2005, but Ted Genoways explains that this isn’t necessarily the case.

This file is now offline, and was sadly lost to the great Wordcast Laptop crash of 2006…

Preparing Central Virginia for Retiring Baby Boomers

How prepared is Central Virginia for the graying Baby Boomer population, the first of whom are beginning to retire? That’s just one of the mandates of the Jefferson Area Board of Aging, a non-profit dedicated to helping people prepare for their golden years. This past June, JABA was one of the hosts of a one-day conference to provide input for the White House Conference on Aging, scheduled for this December. With the nation’s elderly population soon to double, the conference is designed to help policymakers figure out what needs to be done to make sure everyone has access to long-term care.

This audio is a keynote speech from Robert Blancato, the executive director of the last White House Conference on Aging, and a member of the national coordinating committee for this year’s event.

Charlottesville Pavilion to open July 27

Yes, Charlottesville, the long-awaited Charlottesville Pavilion will open on July 27 with a free concert from funk band Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe. The new facility’s grand opening will be held on July 30, with a joint appearance from Loretta Lynn and Sissy Spacek. That event will be a special benefit for Live Arts.

Luke Church was on hand at a June 20 press conference announcing the Pavilion’s inaugural season, and he’s provided us with the tape. Remarks are from Pavilion general manager Kirby Hutto, Mayor David Brown, City Manager Gary O’Connell, and John Gibson from Live Arts.

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This is the first raw press conference that we’ve been able to feature, and we hope to bring you more of these in the months to come. The way in which the American public interacts with the media is changing. We recognize that not everyone is going to be interested in listening to 15 minutes on this subject, but press conferences are primary sources that journalists use to create stories. Do you hear anything else in this that media accounts did not? One thing I’m curious about is, why do city officials keep referring to the Pavilion as an ampitheater?

Lecture on Nietzsche

Walter Sokel is Professor Emeritus of German and English at the University of Virginia. He came to the University from Stanford in 1972. Originally from Vienna, he migrated to the United States to escape fascism. On April 21, 2005, Sokel presented a paper entitled “The Birth of Eugenics and of Justice from the Spirit of Tragedy: Reflections on the Dionysian in Nietzsche.” The lecture was recorded in Jefferson Hall, and runs for just under an hour. Sokel will explain in the first minute or so how the title of the presentation had to be amended for time considerations.

This program is no longer available. If you would like to hear it, please send us an e-mail and we’ll be glad to make it available once more.

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