Wake-Up Call: Discussion with Representatives from U.Va. Women’s Center and The Women’s Initiative

On the January 13 Wake-Up Call, host Rick Moore talks with Elizabeth Irvin, Program Director of the Charlottesville Women’s Initiative and Amy Chestnutt, Outreach Coordinator from U.Va.’s Women’s Center‘s Eating Disorders Education Initiative.

Topics discussed include health and wellness, changing issues through the life spectrum, eating disorders, body image, substance abuse, the affordable care act, and where to find support as either a person with a concern or someone who wants to help another.

Each guest shares the mission, services, and new initiatives of her organization.

Sunday Morning Wake Up Call – Professor Tim Wilson

Rick’s guest is Professor Tim Wilson of the U.Va. Psychology department to talk about his new book Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change. You can read more about Tim at http://people.virginia.edu/~tdw/

What if there were a magic pill that could make you happier, turn you into a better parent, solve a number of your teenager’s behavior problems, reduce racial prejudice, and close the achievement gap in education? Well, there is no such magic pill-but there is a new scientifically based approach called story editing that can accomplish all of this. It works by redirecting the stories we tell about ourselves and the world around us, with subtle prompts, in ways that lead to lasting change. In Redirect, world-renowned psychologist Timothy Wilson shows how story-editing works and how you can use it in your everyday life.

You can pick up the book here

Virginia Film Festival: Filmmaker Kevin Everson

U.Va filmmaker Kevin Everson speaks with Sean McCord about the short films he is screening at the Virginia Film Festival. Here’s the blurb from the festival website:

“In 2011, U.Va. professor of art Kevin Everson premiered his work at the Toronto International Film Festival, had a solo exhibition of his work at the Whitney Museum of American Art, and received a fairly gushing review from New York Times art critic Holland Carter. Collected here are five of his most recent films.Chevelle is a document of a discarded vehicle’s ultimate crushing fate. Ten Five in the Grass is his take on a cowboy film. The Tombigbee Chronicles No. 2 is comprised of three short films exploring individuals from Everson’s parents’ hometown of Columbus, Mississippi: Rita Larson’s Boy, Early Riser, and Chicken.”

John Stagg on James Madison and the Spanish Borderlands

Dr. John Stagg is a Professor of History at the University of Virginia and Director of the Papers of James Madison project as well as author of Borderlines in Borderlands: James Madison and the Spanish-American Frontier, 1776-1821 (The Lamar Series in Western History). He spoke at the James Madison Museum on Sunday May 15th on the fourth president’s exploration into the Spanish borderlands. The lecture was part of the museum’s 2011 lecture series. Did Madison incite rebellion in Florida? Did he start the C.I.A.?

Charlottesville–Right Now: Jamie Graham joins Coy Barefoot

3.18.11 UVA Graduate and speaker for NORML Jamie Graham joins Coy for an extended look back at Operation Equinox. This month marks the 20th anniversary of the federal drug raid on a number of fraternity houses. Jamie, an Echols Scholar, was one of the 12 students arrested during the raids, and he was charged with distributing an illegal substance within 1,000 feet of a drug-free school zone. He takes a look back at the situation on grounds, while also making a comparison to the more frequent targeting of African-American communities. Listen in as local callers also share their memories of the events. Graham currently works with the Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), and he will also be speaking on Monday right here at the University of Virginia in Gibson Hall at 7 P.M.

Charlottesville–Right Now: Brian Balogh joins Coy Barefoot

3.14.11 Professor in the Corcoran Department of History at the University of Virginia Brian Balogh joins Coy to discuss the history of the census. You can also hear Brian as one of the history buffs on Backstory Radio Still want more Balogh? Check out his most recent book A Government Out of Sight: The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America.

Charlottesville–Right Now: George Gilliam joins Coy Barefoot

3.14.11 Assistant Director for Public Programs at the Miller Center of Public Affairs George Gilliam joins Coy to discuss upcoming events. The conversation also recaps the recent controversial lecture and q&a session with Elliott Abrams on peace in the Middle East. Before previewing upcoming lectures- including one on the origins of the Peace Corps and another on the value of public opinion polls, Gilliam also talks a little bit about his area of scholarly expertise: Virginia history.