Adelind Horan brings Cry of the Mountain to Charlottesville

Adelind Horan grew up in Charlottesville to parents with a long history in area theater. Her mother Lydia and her father Michael have appeared in various Live Arts productions for many years. Now she’s returned home after graduating from Hampshire College.

The issue of mountaintop removal of coal prompted her to work on a series of oral history interviews with people in West Virginia and Kentucky, and this summer she’s debuting a one-woman show called Cry of the Mountain that tells the stories of the people affected by the practice. Leslie Channel of the group Secretly Ya’ll sat down with Horan earlier this month to find out more about the show.

Horan will give five performances of Cry of the Mountain at four theatres in the area every Thursday in July at 8:00.

  • July 1 @ Live Arts
  • July 8 @ Four County Players
  • July 15 @ The Hamner Theatre
  • July 22 @ Live Arts
  • July 29 @ Play On!