The HemoShear 2.0

A new device invented by researchers at the University of Virginia could save pharmaceutical companies significant time and money in screening potential new drug compounds. Brett Blackman, an assistant professor in biomedical engineering and Brian Wamhoff, assistant professor in the department of medicine; cardiovascular division, teamed up to create a novel system, the HemoShear 2.0, which, for the first time, offers researchers the ability to observe the behavior patterns of human vascular cells under a variety of blood flow conditions that occur inside the bodyvDj(tm)s cardiovascular system.

For more information about the show or to see the full text, visit the Oscar Show’s blog.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy, touted for healing properties since ancient Greece, is still widely used today as an alternative method for treating a number of conditions, from arthritis to depression. Yet, in spite of no scientific proof that magnets can heal, a lack of regulation and widespread public acceptance based on anecdotal evidence, hopeful consumers have created a $5 billion world market as they buy bracelets, knee braces, shoe inserts, mattresses and other products embedded with magnets, hoping for a non-invasive and drug-free cure to what ails them.

For more information about the show or to see the full text, visit the Oscar Show’s blog.