6.30.10- Jay James in for Coy Barefoot today. Dave Cohen, CBS Correspondent in New Orleans, gives Jay the latest information on the oil spill and how clean up efforts are going.
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6.30.10- Jay James in for Coy Barefoot today. Dave Cohen, CBS Correspondent in New Orleans, gives Jay the latest information on the oil spill and how clean up efforts are going.
6-29-10. Jay James in for Coy Barefoot today. CBS Military Correspondent, Mike Lyons, gives Jay the latest news from Washington. Topics include the U.S.’s presence in the Middle East and the General McChrystal’s hearings.
6-28-10. Jay James in for Coy Barefoot today. CBS Political Correspondent, Dotty Lynch, gives Jay the latest news on the Elena Kagan hearings in Washington, DC.
Covering the Middle East as a foreign correspondent for CBS News, U.Va graduate Kimberly Dozier earned a reputation for being on top of the story. But on Memorial Day 2006, Kimberly Dozier became the story as a car bomb took the lives of her crew, a U.S. Army captain an Iraqi interpreter, and left her in a pool of blood on the street fighting for her life. Her new book is Breathing the Fire, and it reconstructs her path from the bombing to recovery. She joined Coy Barefoot on the June 27th edition of WINA’s Charlottesville–Right Now with Coy Barefoot.