7.27.10- The Daily Progress’s Brian McNeill gives Coy an update on the happenings at the Michigan International Speedway. Charlottesville’s own Oliver Kuttner is there now competing to win a $5million dollar prize.
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7.27.10- The Daily Progress’s Brian McNeill gives Coy an update on the happenings at the Michigan International Speedway. Charlottesville’s own Oliver Kuttner is there now competing to win a $5million dollar prize.
7.26.10- Local Author and Historian Susan Tyler Hitchcock joins Coy live in studio. They discuss Hitchcock’s newest book, Frankenstein: A Cultural History.
7.26.20- Bob Holsworth, Founder and President of Charlottesville Tomorrow, joins Coy every Monday to talk about Virginia Politics. Today the issue of whether or not Virginia ABC Store’s will be privatized was discussed. Also discussed was Senator Web’s ending of Diversity Programs in Virginia.
7.26.10- John Whitehead, CEO and Co-Founder of the Rutherford Institute, joins Coy live on the show. Today’s topics include John Whitehead’s latest essay entitled “The Body Snatchers”, the Snyder v. Phelps Case, and poverty.
7.9.10- Eric Strucko, of the Albemarle School Board, gives Coy an update on the county schools. Topics include the resolution of the dugout debate.
Daniel Bluestone, Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Virginia, joined Charlottesville Right Now to discuss efforts to Save McIntire Park .
Jack Marshall, President of Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle Population and Brian Czech, President of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy joined Coy Barefoot on WINA’s “Charlottesville-Right Now!” to discuss the limits to growth, both population growth and economic growth.
Czech describes a Steady State Economy as one that is stabilized and sustainable at an optimum size. He discusses recent national economic troubles as resulting from unsustainable growth. Marshall argues that stabilizing population growth is key to economic and environmental sustainability.
Czech believes that the decline in family farming, urban sprawl, and environmental decline are related to unsustainable growth and will threaten national security, including food and economic security.
Marshall describes the importance of sustainability as meaning that “we should be making choices today that don’t limit the choices of our children and children’s children.”