2.3.11 Senior Editor of The Washington TimesRichard Diamond joins Coy to discuss the latest studies on red light camera usage. Do red light cameras actually reduce accidents at intersections? Is this really just a ploy to raise revenue? Get all of the insights from one of the foremost experts in the country on this issue right here.
2.3.11 Author and Associate Professor of History at the University of Virginia Grace Hale joins Coy to discuss her new book A Nation of Outsiders. The rebel, the recluse, and the bad guy have always beloved figures in American society, and Professor Hale has the explanation as to why this fascination is so strong. The full title of Hale’s book is A Nation of Outsiders: How the White Middle Class Fell in Love with Rebellion in Postwar America.
2.3.11 Member of the Albemarle County School Board Eric Strucko joins Coy to address the discussion points for tonight’s meeting. One of the biggest issues at hand remains the budget, and Strucko talks about which of the suggested adjustments on the table are most viable. He also explains the process of balancing a realistic workload for teachers with the average number of students per classes. Finally, public school teachers call in with their thoughts and comments on the topics at hand.
2.3.11 Best-selling author and local historian Rick Britton joins Coy to continue their conversational series on the lifetime contributions of Thomas Jefferson. In today’s installment of “TJ’s Greatest Hits,” Britton recounts how the “First” Monticello came to be. Work began on the house in 1768, and the finished product included a large vegetable garden, eight bed rooms, and more architectural details you can hear about in today’s interview. Also included is a quiz on some little known Thomas Jefferson facts and trivia.
2.1.11 Chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Ann Mallek joins Coy to discuss the latest on the water supply plan. In today’s conversation, Mallek responds to all of the noise surrounding the plan in place following the recent Charlottesville City Council vote in favor of the extended wall at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir. In addition, the Board of Supervisors Chair gives her thoughts on the issue of dredging and responds to questions from Citizens for a Sustainable Water Supply Plan’s Dede Smith.
2.1.11 Associate Editor of Mother Jones magazine Nick Baumann joins Coy with the latest on the events in Egypt. We have a true revolution on our hands in the North African country, and today’s conversation provides background on where these problems with Hosni Mubarak originated, what kinds of rights and freedoms the people rioting in the streets are demanding, and what we can expect to develop in the coming days. Finally, Baumann gives his thoughts on new legislation that would re-define what classifies rape crimes in America.
2.1.11 Representative in of the 32nd District in the Virginia House of Delegates Tag Greason joins Coy to discuss the new autism legislation for the Commonwealth. As Greason notes in his interview today, the bill has not officially passed quite yet, but it certainly (after passing its second reading today) appears to have the support necessary to do so. The legislation in question provides health care aid to the parents of children with autism, and the Republican representative talks in more detail about the specifics of the bill, his connections to the treatment of the disorder, and his reasons for being such a strong supporter of what he calls “solving a problem.”
1.31.11 Citizens for a Sustainable Water Supply Plan’s Dede Smith joins Coy to discuss the latest on the water supply plan. In today’s conversation, Smith talks facts and figures surrounding the new addition to the dam at the Ragged Mountain Reservoir. According to the new information in place, extending the dam to 42 feet (as originally planned) instead of 30 feet (as was recently voted upon) is actually more financially prudent. Sound bites from an angry Ken Boyd at a recent Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meeting are also included. And finally, the question remains: to dredge or not to dredge?
1.31.11 Former United States Senator from Virginia George Allen joins Coy to discuss his announcement to run for U.S. Senate once again. Senator Allen fields questions about international balance of trade, energy resources, and health care reform. In addition, the former Senator talks about what it is going to take to beat Jim Webb in order to get his title back. Also included in today’s conversation are Senator Allen’s thoughts on the events unfolding in Egypt. Finally, Allen sets the record straight once and for all on his now infamous “Macaca” remark.
1.31.11 President of the Virginia Autism Project Teresa Champion joins Coy to discuss the latest in autism news. In the House of Delegates, a vote recently passed requiring medical insurance coverage for autism. The same conservative leadership which repeatedly put down the bill in the past finally came around and demonstrated their understanding of the issues associated with the disease. Today’s conversation addresses what this means for the future of treatment as well as what this means for the future of parents struggling with raising children with autism.
1.28.11 Best-selling non-fiction author David Swanson joins Coy to discuss the revolution taking place in Egypt. Cairo is literally burning, and today’s conversation addresses the political state which lead to this uprising and exactly what is going on. Swanson describes the protests as “inspiring,” but also is not convinced of the need for these heavy doses of violence. Who is withholding civil rights from these people? Exactly how corrupt is the leadership in Egypt? What is the United States’ level of involvement in this revolution? Get the expert insights into the breaking national news story of the day right here. Be sure to check out Swanson’s new book War is a Lie.
1.28.11 Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia Daniel Willingham joins Coy to discuss the recent New York Times study on childhood education. According to the article in which Willingham is quoted as an expert, students learn better when tested on material before they study it. The UVA professor explains how the research experiment was conducted, at what levels this study can be applied, the benefits of “concept mapping,” and where we go from here. Be sure to check out Willingham’s most recent book Why Don’t Students Like School?.