Who owns the media? Does media ownership affect how Americans are informed about the issues of the day? Which news sources can you trust to seek out the truth in an age when the conduits of information are controlled by so few companies?
On May 9, 2005, C-Ville Weekly assembled a group of independent journalists and media activists for a panel discussion called “Take Back the Media.” Jonathan Rintels is with the Center for Creative Voices in the Media, an organization that’s leading a campaign to create a Media Bill of Rights. Robert O’Neil is the founding director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the organization that hands out the annual Muzzle Awards. Roxanne Cooper is the sales director for the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, and also runs a blog called Rox Populi. Jessica Coen is the editor of gawker.com, a hotspot for NYC-based pop culture and media gossip. And the moderator is syndicated cartoonist Jen Sorenson, whose Slowpoke runs in C-Ville Weekly every Tuesday.
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