8.30.10- As he does every Monday, Bob Holzworth of Virginia Tomorrow joins Coy live on the program. The two discuss Virginia politics.
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8.30.10- As he does every Monday, Bob Holzworth of Virginia Tomorrow joins Coy live on the program. The two discuss Virginia politics.
8.19.10- Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald, authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story
join Coy live on the program. They discuss the recent Time Magazine Cover which featured a Muslim woman whose nose and ears had been cut off.
8.19.10- Liz Chadderdon of the Chadderdon Group joins Coy live on the program
8.19.10- Lt. Governor Bill Bolling updates Coy on Politics and Policy.
6-29-10. Jay James in for Coy Barefoot today. CBS Military Correspondent, Mike Lyons, gives Jay the latest news from Washington. Topics include the U.S.’s presence in the Middle East and the General McChrystal’s hearings.