Wake-Up Call: Haunted Charlottesville

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Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with author Susan Schwartz about her recent book Haunted Charlottesville.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: Albemarle County Schools Superintendent Dr. Matt Haas

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Albemarle County Schools Superintendent Dr. Matt Haas, Cale Elementary School principal Cyndi Wells and Albemarle High School principal Darah Bonham about new initiatives that will debut when the new school year begins on August 21st.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: Charlottesville Climate Collaborative

Susan Kruse

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Susan Kruse from the Charlottesville Climate Collaborative about their efforts to engage local businesses, empower households and work with schools and local government to end Climate Change. Topics include: Fighting Climate Change through local initiatives and the University of Virginia’s sustainability plan.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: Bees and Beekeeping

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Central Virginia Beekeepers’ Association Vice President John Gooch about bees, their myths, legends and importance in today’s world. Topics include the differences between wild and domestic bees and starting your own hive.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: The Law and Elderly Care

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Katie Caverly, Managing Director at IKOR of Charlottesville and attorney Doris Gelbman of Gelbman Law PLLC about some of the laws governing elderly care. Topics include: Legal advocacy for the elderly and determining mental capacity.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: Slow Money and the Craft of Farming

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Michael Reilly co-founder of Slow Money CVA, Mark Jones of Sharondale Farm and Renard Turner of Vanguard Ranch about our local farms and access to the capital needed to keep the local food supply vibrant. Topics include: Qualifying for a Slow Money farm loan and recent changes to the local food market.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: The Charlottesville Free Clinic

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Colleen Keller from the Charlottesville Free Clinic about health issues affecting the uninsured and under-insured. Topics include: A discussion of services offered by the clinic and how to determine eligibility.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: Voting Rights, Civil Forfeiture and Solitary Confinement

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with the Executive Director of the Virginia Chapter of the ACLU, Claire Guthrie Gastanaga about solitary confinement in Virginia prisons, voting rights and civil forfeiture. Also, prosecutorial reform is discussed.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: JMRL’s Summer Reading Recommendations

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore looks for summer reading recommendations from Jefferson-Madison Regional Library librarians Lindsay Ideson, Hayley Tompkins and Megan England.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: Charlottesville Music

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Rich Tarbell, author of Regarding Charlottesville Music, Kirby Hutto, General Manager of the Sprint Pavilion and musician Stephen Barling of Barling & Collins about the impact the music community has had on the development of the Downtown Mall. Topics include: Unforgettable moments in the history of the Charlottesville music scene.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: EMS Appreciation Week

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with the Executive Director of the Thomas Jefferson EMS Council, Tom Joyce, and the director of EMS operations for Madison County, Noah Hillstrom, about the unique EMS challenges presented by the different state regions. Also, the upcoming EMS Appreciation Week is discussed.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.

Wake-Up Call: The Fountain Fund

Sunday Morning Wake-up Call host Rick Moore talks with Tim Heaphy from The Fountain Fund about their efforts to improve the lives of the formerly incarcerated. Topics include: Examining the hurdles that follow the release from prison and recent legislative changes affecting the suspension of driver’s licences for the non-payment of court fees.

The Sunday Morning Wake-up Call is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.