Home Grown welcomes you to another Sunday morning in the new woke C’Ville. First, it’s our final preview for the Six Pack Songwriter Showcase. Mark Roebuck visits the show for the first time to play a tune and talk about what it’s like to record his upcoming album. Then Leslie and David examine a new theater opportunity in town. Playwright Sean McCord (with his director Joncey Boggs) introduces us to The Charlottesville Playwrights Collective. They’re a collection of self-producing playwrights and their first season begins with McCord’s play (directed by Boggs), Moving.. Finally, Light House Studio Giving Director Brooks Wellmon returns to the show to talk about Light House’s 16th Youth Film Festival. If you ever wondered what Light House actually does, here’s your chance to find out. It’s all that plus a bag of your hosts David Vaughn Straughn and Leslie M. Scott-Jones, all on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.